There is so much talk these days about the new Canon 5D Mark III, the Nikon D4 and so on... But $6,000 on a camera? Sorry, I can't justify that expense... Just because a new camera has been released then does that mean all other cameras are obsolete?
I have been searching for a backup camera body lately and was debating between another Nikon D700 ($2000 used) or get something else... Maybe a used D3s, D300s? Lot's of choices out there.
It was then that I had an epiphany. It was time to practice what I preach. It's not the camera that makes the photographer, rather it's the photographer who makes the photographer. Unfortunately, I fell into this downward spiral of constantly "needing" the latest and greatest cameras as soon as they are released.
On that note, these same people are practically giving away their old cameras so they can drop some serious coin on the latest and greatest. So what did I decide on for a backup body?
How about a like-new Nikon D70 Digial SLR with under 9,000 actuations for a whopping $213.49!
Plus the D70 has an electronic shutter so I can achieve flash sync speeds of up to 1/500." Not too bad if you ask me. Sure I am spoiled by the large 3" LCD screen but who cares. $200 is $200.
I want to hear all about your "new" old purchase whether it be a camera body, lens or photography gadget. Be sure to leave a comment below.
Thanks for stopping by.