2014 Wedding Photography Workshops
Want to host a Wedding Photography Workshop in your city? If so then contact me at michaelabielat(at)gmail(dot)com for more information.- My Wedding Photography Workshop teaches you how to:
- Photo Basics
- Lighting Techniques (natural light and speedlights)
- Wedding Photography Pricing and Packages
- Affordable Marketing and Booking Techniques
- Wedding Photography Tips and Tricks
- Post-processing Techniques
- Album Design
- use a single speedlight as well as more complicated multiple light set-ups
- ...and much more.
One-On-One inLIGHTin Workshops
*One-On-One Workshops are available by appointment only: Contact me directly at michaelabielat(at)gmail(dot)com for more information.Price: $250 for 4 hours. $100 each additional hour.
Online Workshops
Chat online and share video via Skype and learn all about wedding and portrait photography from the comfort of your own home.*Offered Online using Skype:
Price $150/Hour