
PPA Super Monday Off-Camera Flash Techniques Curriculum

Just a quick update on the PPA Super Monday class which I will be teaching. The title of the course is "Off-Camera Flash Techniques" (reference course # NY20) and we will be covering the following in depth. Yes, I will be covering on-camera flash techniques as well. It will be taught by yours truly and I cannot wait. I am counting down the days. Here is the info:

Date: Monday, October 25th, 2010
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Location: My Studio in Lancaster, NY.
Price: $99
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. (Reference Course #NY20)

    Off-Camera Flash Techniques Curriculum:
  • Introduction
  • Photo 101 - Crash Course (shutter speed, aperture, ISO)
  • Speedlight Crash Course (modes, settings, features, etc.)
  • Bounce Flash Techniques (on camera)
  • Fill-Flash Techniques (on and off camera)
  • Manual Flash Photography (off camera)
  • Portable Studio Lighting with Speedlights (off camera)
  • TTL (Through The Lens) Flash Photography (on and off camera)
  • High Speed Sync Flash Techniques (on and off camera)

We will be breaking for lunch and dinner (30 min each). Models will be on-hand so you can immediately start applying what you learned here and try out these techniques. I will teach, demonstrate and then let you try it out yourself. I will be available at that time to answer questions. The number of models available depends on the number of students so that you can all have some shooting time.

If you aren't already aware, I am a Nikon shooter and will be demonstrating with Nikon equipment. I did used to be a Canon shooter so I will be able to help you out with your questions and whatnot so no worries ;)

  • Yourself.
  • Digital SLR.
  • Lenses (one or more).
  • Notebook and pen.
  • Speedlight(s).
  • Flash accessories and light stand(s)*

*Not mandatory.

I am really looking forward to this event. It's sponsored by the Professional Photographers of America. If you are a photographer and are NOT a member then you owe it to yourself to become one! I hope to see you all there. If you are a member then I believe that you get yourself a merit point for attending which looks great on your PPA portfolio.

Here are the details once again:
Date: Monday, October 25th, 2010
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Location: My Studio in Lancaster, NY.
Price: $99
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. (Reference Course #NY20)


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